Thursday, July 07, 2005

My second major !!

Well, who ever bothered him or her self reading my profile would notice that my Major is computer Engineering. The fact that many people do not know about me is my second , unofficial , major which is cooooooking !! Indeed, I have many successful expermients in the kitchen that made me the best bad chief ever .... Cheif Ambitious !!
Despite all the pain I had while eating my unsuccessful meals , I am going to cook and cook and cook until the last day in my life " do not take it wrong ...I meant the last day of my life in Vancouver this summer " !!
As I am going to leave this city for a long vacation that may last forever if I didn't pass the LPI , and as my rommate is going in a vacation too , I have to either cook every thing in the kitchen or throw it away. Nevertheless, If I choose the second option , my grandma would throw me after those food if she were to be alive !!
So I am glad to announce officialy that July is CoooKing month !!

I will try to cook something new every day , If I cooked something good , I would post its picture and how to cook it . Otherwise , asumme that I was sick so I didn't post any thing !!

Any good meals recommendations would be more than welcomed !!

With best wishes for your stomach

Chief Ambitious


At 7/07/2005 01:24:00 PM, Blogger Eb9ara7a and his Wife said...

Chief Ambitious
احس باللي تقوله .. لاني مريت بتجربتي في بريطانيا و تركيا :))
الوضع ساعات يصير مأساة بالمطبخ ، خاصة بالنسبة لنا كعزوبية

At 7/07/2005 02:49:00 PM, Blogger esTeKaNa said...

Chief Ambitious
أنا فخورة فيك:)
يكفيك شرف المحاوله:pP~
وماشاء الله غير المحاوله في اصرار بالموضوع
اطبخ يعني اطبخ:)
الله يرحم الحجيه ما شفاتك
طلبي صور الاكلات الناجحه والفاشله

At 7/08/2005 03:34:00 AM, Blogger tamotest said...

ماشاء الله شكلك هم عانيت وايد ومعدتك تعودت على استقبال كل ماهو غريب وجديد وفريد من نوعه!!ـ

استكانة :ـ
احم احم لاداعي
يعني الواحد لازم يكون عنده طموح بهالدنيا ...باجر لاقدر الله مافلحنا بهالندسة نفلح بشي ثاني ..نستفيد شي من الغربة

وبالنسبة للاكلات الفاشلة فانا كل ما اسمع هالكلمة اتذكر الاكلة الي سميتها
" مكرونة سوبريم بصلصة البطاط "

قريبا استرجع ذكريات الماضي واحط صورتهابس احتمال عقبها اصوم اسبوع على ماتتعدل نفسيتي !!ـ

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